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This is a question that often comes up for people who are new to hummingbird gardening. The answer is yes, hummingbirds do poop around their feeders, but with a few simple precautions, you can easily keep your garden clean and enjoyable for everyone.
You should not place humming feeders near any areas where you will be dining or sitting down. This will help you avoid contact with the bird droppings.
Hummingbird waste is a semi-solid mixture that contains both urine and feces. They don’t poop in their nests and keep their living and roosting spots very clean, but when they’re zipping around collecting nectar their concern for cleanliness goes out the window.
It is a good idea to clean your hummingbird feeders regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Hummingbirds are among the most sought-after visitors in any garden. Their aerial acrobatics and iridescent colors are a delight to watch, and they can be easy to attract to your garden if you provide the right conditions.
Adding hummingbird feeders is the key to attracting these beautiful birds. By providing a safe place for them to feed and drink, you’ll be able to enjoy their presence in your garden for years to come. Just take a few precautions to make sure that the feeders are accessible but also protected from the elements, and that they’re kept clean and free of harmful bacteria.
Where should I put my hummingbird feeders?
When deciding where to place your hummingbird feeder, it is important to take into consideration the safety of the birds and also how easy it will be to clean.
Hummingbirds are vulnerable to predators when they are feeding, so make sure to place your feeder in an area where there is plenty of cover for them to retreat to.
Additionally, since hummingbirds often poop while they are feeding, choose an area that is easy to clean. A spot that is surrounded by shrubs that attract hummingbirds may make it harder for you to reach the feeder when you need to refill or clean it.
The Best Spots for Hummingbird Feeders
When choosing a location for your hummingbird feeder, it’s important to consider several factors.
One of the most important is height; you’ll want to place your feeder several feet off the ground. Many feeders come attached to a pole that you can secure into the ground, while others come with a hook so you can hang your feeder from the side of a building or trellis.
This will ensure that the birds have easy access and won’t be disturbed by predators or other animals. You’ll also want to make sure that your feeder is in a spot that is easy to see, as hummingbirds rely on their affinity for bright colors to find food.
If you’re a bird enthusiast, you probably want to hang a hummingbird feeder near your home. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before hanging your feeder.
Besides the problem of hummingbirds pooping on your house, ants and other sugar-seeking insects will be attracted to your feeder just as much as hummingbirds. Because of this, a spot near your home (especially close to doorways or window sills) might not be the best choice.
If you keep your windows open in the summertime, be sure to place your feeder away from the window to avoid attracting unwanted guests!
How To Reduce Hummingbird Poop
If you’re a bird enthusiast, then you know that hummingbirds can be a real joy to watch. However, one downside of having these little beauties around is that they can leave behind quite a mess! Luckily, there are ways to reduce the amount of poop your hummingbirds leave behind.
One way to reduce the amount of hummingbird poop is to not use any red dye in the food you put out for them. The birds will find the food just fine without any added color, and this is also not advised for health purposes. A pure sugar-water mixture is the best recipe for homemade hummingbird nectar.
Another way to keep their poop under control is to place the feeder away from any outdoor living areas, like patios or decks. This will help to avoid any staining on tiled or painted surfaces. A spot near your favorite garden bench isn’t recommended if you don’t want that bench to be covered in hummingbird poop.
The Bottom Line
While hummingbirds do poop around feeders, the good news is that there are precautions you can take to minimize how much this affects you and your yard. Simply keep the feeder away from any entryways into your home or any outdoor furniture, and you’ll be able to enjoy these iridescent jewels without having to let them make a mess.