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Tomatoes are a staple in many gardens, and cherry tomatoes are especially popular. Plants can produce literally hundreds of tiny fruits, and there’s no better (or healthier!) snack than a handful of cherry tomatoes from your own garden. Whether you toss them into fresh salads or eat them straight off the vine, cherry tomatoes are always a treat. Looking for a few different kinds of cherry tomato plants to fill in the gaps in your new raised beds? Here are 13 of the best cherry tomatoes to grow in your garden
Sun Gold cherry tomatoes are always a popular choice, thanks to their crisp skins and sweet, juicy flavor. Black Cherry tomatoes have a robust flavor that’s nice and savory, while Tiny Tim and Power Pops are perfect for fans of the classic cherry tomato taste.

What are the best cherry tomatoes to grow?
You don’t have to have a large space to grow a fruitful garden. Growing 2 or 3 cherry tomato plants is an excellent way to maximize the efficiency of your space.
Cherry tomato plants are usually somewhat compact relative to regular tomato plants, so they’re a good choice for confined spaces. And given that a single plant can produce upwards of 100 tomatoes, each plant certainly earns its keep!
If you know you want to grow some cherry tomatoes, but you’re not sure which varieties are the best, don’t worry. We’ve grown plenty of different types of cherry tomatoes, and we’ve narrowed the field down to the ones that taste the very best. In other words, we’ve done all of the hard work for you!
Here are 13 of the best cherry tomatoes to grow. Which ones will you choose?
Sun Gold
Right out of the gate, let’s get started by talking about one of our personal favorites: the Sun Gold.
Cherry tomatoes are small by nature, obviously. But, when it comes to cherry tomatoes, Sun Golds are a decent size — very snackable. Each fruit measures about an inch in diameter.
These tomatoes ripen to a lovely shade of orange. Left on the vine for a day or so longer, they turn a richer shade of orange-red, like the sky just as the sun sets below the horizon. We guess this cherry tomato’s name checks out!
Sun Golds are delicious. There’s just no way around it. These tomatoes have a crisp, crunchy texture that’s incredibly satisfying. With a low acid content, Sun Golds are sweet, mild, and juicy.
Compared to other cherry tomato varieties, Sun Golds have a slightly fruity flavor, with undertones of pineapple. Their tropical taste makes them very refreshing.
We’re always tempted to snack on Sun Golds straight off the vine. But they’re great in salads, too. Their delightful color makes them a showy addition to veggie trays during the holidays and family get-togethers.
If you have any Sun Golds leftover after snacking on them, try slicing them in half and roasting them in the oven with spinach and broccoli, tossed in olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar.
This combination is delicious over angel hair pasta, and the perfect side dish to a light summer dinner.

Tiny Tim
Maybe you’re not looking to grow anything too fancy. Maybe you’re just looking for a bright red cherry tomato with that trademark cherry tomato flavor.
If you just want a basic cherry tomato, but you want a darn good one, choose Tiny Tim. This heirloom cherry tomato cultivar produces uniform red cherry tomatoes that measure around an inch in diameter.
One of the things that we love the most about Tiny Tim tomatoes is that they mature early in the season.
We don’t know about you, but we get pretty excited about our tomato seedlings. Once those plants make it out to the garden, it becomes the ultimate test of our patience!
Fortunately, the Tiny Tim cherry tomato cultivar is ready to enjoy around 60 days after planting. And these plants are prolific producers, making hundreds of fruits during the season.
Not only are Tiny Tims one of the best-tasting cherry tomatoes to grow in your garden, but they’re also super compact.
Plants measure 16” tall at the most, and around 6” wide. So if you live in an apartment with only a tiny balcony, you can still grow plenty of cherry tomatoes in your outdoor space.
In terms of flavor, Tiny Tim tomatoes are balanced. Not too sweet, not too acidic, not too crisp, not too mushy. They’re like the Goldilocks of cherry tomatoes. They’re just right.
Super Sweet 100
If you’re a tomato lover, then chances are, you’ve already heard of Super Sweet 100s. Well, we’re here to tell you that they live up to the hype.
Super Sweet 100s are some of the most popular cherry tomatoes for good reason. The deep red fruits are round and perfect-looking, with a sweet, juicy flavor that’s highly palatable.
The Super Sweet 100 is a good all-purpose cherry tomato cultivar. If you plan on doing a little bit of everything with your cherry tomatoes (snacking on them, cooking with them, etc.), this cultivar is for you.
This cherry tomato’s meaty texture has a nice bite to it, so it’s perfect in salads and pasta dishes, raw or lightly sauteed.
Super Sweet 100s are okay for snacking. They have a delicious flavor profile, they really are super sweet! But their meaty texture can be off-putting to some. If crisp texture is what you’re looking for, you’ll probably prefer Sun Golds.
Overall, we think every gardener should try growing Super Sweet 100s at least once. They’re a great cherry tomato for deciding which qualities you actually want in a cherry tomato.
Plus, since Super Sweet 100s are so popular, they’re easy to find! Most garden centers carry Super Sweet 100s every spring.

Black Cherry
Let’s switch gears and talk about another eye-catching cultivar. Black Cherry tomatoes are an interesting twist on a garden favorite, featuring deep red, almost purple fruits that are savory and sweet.
Black Cherry tomatoes are really satisfying to snack on. They have a meaty texture that’s firm, yet juicy. Fruits have a robust flavor that’s quite surprising for such a small tomato.
The Black Cherry tomato tastes familiar, but it’s also wildly different from any other cherry tomato we’ve ever had. The flavor is earthy, almost smoky, but sweet and savory at the same time.
Overall, Black Cherry tomatoes have a deep, complex flavor profile, one that pairs deliciously with cheeses. Put a handful of Black Cherry tomatoes on a charcuterie board, and you won’t find a single one left over after the party.
This cherry tomato is for cherry tomato lovers, not casual tomato fans.
If you’re looking for a crowd-pleaser, Super Sweet 100s and Tiny Tims would be a far better choice.
But if you want bold flavor, and the fun of growing something a little bit different, you won’t be disappointed by Black Cherry tomatoes.

Candyland Red
When clusters of these cherry tomatoes are ripening on the vine, they remind us of Christmas lights. Vivid red tomatoes with a glassy finish pop against a backdrop of vibrant orange and pale green tomatoes, all in various stages of the ripening process.
Candyland Reds are super productive, producing huge clusters of cherry tomatoes, and hundreds of fruits in a season.
The fruits themselves aren’t only colorful, but they’re also unbelievably delicious. Fruits are candy-sweet with a nice bite and juicy flesh. Super refreshing, whether you eat them straight off the vine or toss them into your salad for lunch.
Candyland Reds are some of the best cherry tomatoes to grow in your garden. Plants are also very easy to care for.
These tomato plants grow vigorously with very little attention. Just be sure to give Candyland Red tomatoes plenty of sunlight, and support them with tomato cages to encourage healthy growth.
Overall, we’d say the Candyland Red is one of the most rewarding cherry tomatoes to grow, especially if you’re looking for a classic red cherry tomato that’s sweet and perfect for eating raw.

Power Pops
Another early-season favorite, Power Pops are bright orange-red cherry tomatoes that are ready to be snacked on a full two weeks before other varieties ripen — Power Pops can be harvested just 45 days after starting seeds!
If you have a tiny outdoor space with barely any room to grow in, Power Pops should be your go-to cherry tomato.
These plants only grow around 12” tall. You can even plant them in hanging baskets, leaving the vines to drape around the outside.
Power Pops will produce a ton of tomatoes. A dose of phosphorus-rich bone meal during planting, and again as plants begin flowering, will ramp up fruit production even more. The added calcium will also help prevent blossom-end rot.
In terms of classic cherry tomatoes, Power Pops are a solid choice. Crisp texture, juicy flesh, sweet yet tangy flavor. They’re great for snacking, cooking, and everything in between.
We like to alternate between Super Sweet 100s and Power Pops each season. These are two of the best-tasting cherry tomato varieties, and switching them up keeps them from getting old.

Yellow Pear
Aptly named, the Yellow Pear tomato is bright, sunny yellow, and pear-shaped. Fruits are crisp and juicy with a very mild flavor that everyone can enjoy.
The Yellow Pear cherry tomato plant can produce hundreds of beautiful fruits. The tomatoes are so gorgeous, you could grow them purely as ornamentals. Mockingbirds and cardinals are especially fond of them.
Maybe it’s just us, but there’s something extra satisfying about eating a cherry tomato that’s shaped like a pear. These old-fashioned tomatoes measure around 2” in length and are oh-so-good straight off the vine.
We love snacking on Yellow Pear tomatoes, but most gardeners grow them to use in preserves and homemade tomato relish. Their texture is perfect for pickling, and their sweet, tangy flavor is mild, yet potent enough to pop in canned condiments.
Try making a Yellow Pear tomato relish for your homegrown black-eyed peas. You’ll thank us!
Italian Ice
Producing creamy yellow almost white fruits, Italian Ice cherry tomatoes will certainly make you do a double-take! Their unique appearance is matched by their incredible flavor profile, and they’re definitely worth growing at least once.
We love Italian Ice tomatoes. They’re super mild, slightly sweet, and highly palatable. They lack much of the tartness and acidity of traditional cherry tomatoes, thanks, mostly, to the fact that they’re devoid of lycopene — the red pigment that gives tomatoes their color.
Italian Ice tomatoes are good for canning and making preserves. But if you love the sweet, subtle flavor they make an excellent snack, too.
We like to grow Italian Ice with Yellow Pear and Sun Gold tomatoes. Together, these tomatoes taste delicious, especially over pasta. Yum!
You’ll need a sizeable garden for the Italian Ice. Plants grow upwards of 70”, and perform best when supported with a trellis, which allows for better air circulation.
Even though Italian Ice tomato plants are far from compact, they are prolific producers. In ideal conditions, plants can produce hundreds of stunning white fruits for you and your family to enjoy.

Plum-shaped cherry tomatoes that are bright orange-red in color and have a gorgeous shiny finish, Rosada tomatoes are always a treat.
We’ve grown Rosadas the past two seasons, and we can say with confidence that these are some of the best-tasting cherry tomato cultivars out there.
Unfortunately, we hardly ever hear other gardeners talk about them. Which is a shame, because Rosadas are a hidden gem.
The Rosada is one of the sweetest cherry tomatoes we’ve ever had. The flesh is slightly thin, but crisp and amazingly juicy when you bite into it.
Most people don’t bother using cherry tomatoes in tomato sauce. That’s what large tomato cultivars are for! But Rosadas have such a sweet, rich flavor that it really is worth the extra trouble to slice them up and toss them into your favorite homemade pasta sauces.
Of course, Rosadas are just as tasty straight off the vine. Look for rich red Rosada tomatoes that have been warmed by the sun — they’re one of the simple pleasures of backyard gardening!

Green Envy
Startle your friends when they visit your garden by pulling a Green Envy tomato off the vine and eating it in front of them.
The first season we grew Green Envy cherry tomatoes, we were pretty skeptical. How could a green tomato be any good? Green tomatoes are unripe and gross, right?
Actually, Green Envys are some of the best cherry tomatoes we’ve ever had, and we recommend them to all our friends!
Green Envy tomatoes are sweet and mild, with very low acidity. Fruits are shaped like grapes and measure little more than an inch in length.
These cherry tomatoes have a flavor profile that’s totally their own, with a satisfying texture that has a lot of bite.
A handful of Green Envy tomatoes is a total game-changer for longtime fans of classic cherry tomatoes. Seriously, it’s mind-blowing that a tomato that doesn’t even look like it’s ripe could be that good!
We like to give Green Envy cherry tomatoes to our friends who hate tomatoes. They’re so palatable, we’ve had a few converts. Fortunately, plants produce hundreds of fruits, so we always have extras to share.
Use Green Envy tomatoes in salads, vegetable trays, and other fresh snacks. Green Envy tomatoes are so tasty when eaten raw, but can be used to add color to tomato relishes and preserves as well.

Unripe Sunpeach cherry tomatoes are a gorgeous shade of peachy orange, but as they ripen, they take on a deep pink hue. We like growing Sunpeach cherry tomatoes just because they add a splash of color to our garden beds!
Of course, Sunpeach tomatoes are delicious, too. A relative of the Sun Gold cherry tomato, Sunpeach tomatoes are sweet and tangy.
The Sunpeach is everything a cherry tomato should be. Fruits are bursting with flavor, crisp skins give way to meaty flesh loaded with juice.
Sunpeach tomatoes are excellent for bruschetta, and other appetizers. But you can use them in preserves and canning, too.
The tomato plants themselves are super easygoing. They’re resistant to leaf mold and other tomato diseases, and they can produce hundreds of fruits, creating clusters of tomatoes all season long.
If you’re looking for a slightly unconventional cherry tomato variety, but don’t want to rock the boat too much, Sunpeaches are some of the best-tasting cherry tomatoes around.

Purple Bumblebee
Alright, we’re going to level with you. We first bought Purple Bumblebee cherry tomatoes because we thought the name was cute.
It’s not the first time we’ve been lured into these kinds of marketing gimmicks, either, we’re sad to say. Fortunately, our Purple Bumblebees turned out to be a pleasant surprise, and are now one of our favorites!
These burgundy red cherry tomatoes have green striations, and their bold, meaty flavor proves they have substance as well as good looks.
Purple Bumblebees are sweet with a potent flavor that works well in salads and wraps. We like to slice these tomatoes and toss them onto pasta salad as a quick side dish for dinner.
One of the great things about Purple Bumblebee cherry tomatoes is that the plants are tolerant to heat and water stress. You’ll see incredible growth, even in unfavorable conditions, and plants can produce hundreds of tomatoes for you to harvest throughout the season.
Try growing your Purple Bumblebee tomatoes near basil, as this herb is said to enhance tomato flavor.

Look, we love every single tomato on this list. At any point in the growing season, you can find at least 3 of the varieties mentioned here out in our garden.
But if we had to pick just one cultivar to grow for the rest of our lives? It would be the Sakura.
‘Sakura’ is Japanese for “cherry blossom”, an appropriate name for this cherry tomato plant, which produces clusters of large, deep pink cherry tomatoes all season long.
The tomatoes produced by Sakura plants are consistent in appearance and taste. Each tomato is just as amazing to look at as it is to eat.
These tomatoes have a crisp texture and sweet, juicy flesh with just a hint of tanginess that makes them perfect for eating right off the vine.
The Sakura is one of the best cherry tomatoes, bar none. But it doesn’t just grow tasty fruits. It’s also hardy and easy to care for.
Plants are disease-resistant, and won’t easily succumb to fusarium wilt or tomato mosaic virus. Plants are also somewhat resistant to nematodes, as well as aphids and other bugs.
Sakura cherry tomatoes are compact plants, ideal for growing in container gardens. Plants continue to produce all season long, so you get plenty of the best cherry tomatoes you’ve ever had throughout the summer months.
Tips for growing delicious cherry tomatoes
Now that you know which cherry tomato varieties are the tastiest, you’re more than halfway through the battle. But what else can you do to grow the most delicious tomatoes possible?
Aside from meeting the cherry tomato’s growing requirements, there are a few things you can do to encourage fruit production.
Start by sourcing seeds from a reputable nursery. Seeds from hardware stores may be old and are less likely to germinate than those purchased from seed catalogs.
Tomato plants grow like weeds, so they aren’t too picky about their soil. For best results, use a mixture of topsoil and compost amended with horticultural sand to encourage good drainage. Tomatoes hate sitting in muddy soil.
Tomatoes typically don’t need mulch. But if you’re going through a serious dry spell, especially if the temperatures are above 90 degrees, water the plants every other day to keep them hydrated.
Lastly, prune suckers off your cherry tomato plants whenever you find them. Suckers are new stems that emerge between the main stem and lateral branches. Suckers leach nutrients from the plants, hindering fruit production, so pinch them off with your fingers and toss them into your compost heap.
When it comes to growing cherry tomatoes, there’s really nothing to it. But when it comes to the best-tasting cherry tomato varieties, it’s up to you to decide which ones are the tastiest! What are your favorite cherry tomatoes to grow in your garden?